Biblical Manhood - Voddie Baucham:
- Area of expertise is cultural apologetics (meaning defense of the faith - from Greek word “apologia” - comes from 1 Peter 3
- Allows one to give an answer for anyone who asks about the hope that is within us
- “Why we believe what we believe”
- The reason “cultural” is in there is it refers to applying that discipline to contemporary cultural issues
- Voddie has been focusing on cultural apologetics even more so in marriage and family (as of 7 years ago from the video)
- Biblical manhood
- Biblical womanhood
- Genesis Ch. 2 Verse 15 (before the fall)
- A key one: “And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him.’” (Genesis Ch 2:18)
- Voddie’s son travels with him 8 days out of the month
- Voddie: “I am his teacher.... He is my disciple.”
- When asked how his son makes time for sports since he is helping Voddie (and this is me typing - someone who played sports for a decade and learned immensely from it):
- “We don’t need another ball-player. We need men with Godly, Biblical character. We need men with multi-generational vision. We need a warrior for Christ.”
- Society sees man in three realms: ballroom, bedroom, and the billroom.
- Three things that reflect Biblical Manhood (minimum of 3 here):
- He must be committed to God-honoring labour
- “Don’t get involved before you evaluate.” (in SO relationship that is)
- Sloth is sinful
- He must be committed to God’s law
- We don’t have the law of God because of imperfection. It came before the fall. Genesis 2:15-17. That was a law of God
- He must be able to communicate God’s law to the woman
- He must be committed to the priority of the family
- 1 Timothy 5:8 - care for family
- Genesis 3:17 - the fall
- Proverbs 6:6-11 - ant analogy; on sloth, laziness
- Proverbs 26:13-14 - laziness will make you a coward (from the Student’s Bible margin-side notes: “But laziness is more dangerous than a fierce lion. The less you do, the less you want to do, and the more useless you become.”)
- Instead of having a trait of sloth, consider it none like that when you:
- Take small steps
- Set a concrete, realistic goal
- Figure out the steps needed to reach it
- Pray for strength and persistence
- The lazy man. The one thing he is not lazy about is making excuses.
- 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
- Hunger is an incredible motivator. See 2 Theo 3:10!
- “You are asking to be the father of my future generations. And they will not be lawless.” (Voddie Baucham)
- Fall comes through the sin of Adam, not Eve. Adam was given the law and then discipled Eve. She was hoodwinked by the snake and disobeyed God’s law. Was she poorly discipled? It might be.
- Headship is the opposite of how Adam reacted to Eve’s mistake. Adam blamed Eve and then blamed God.
- 45 ish mark onward. Wow. Talking about the fracturing of vessels and thus leaks in generational lines for sin to occur because a husband and wife are not Christ-like, God fearing, and Gob obeying spiritual warriors and nurturers
- “Let there be....” used for six days of consistent creation - as noted in Genesis. The only thing that was not good is Genesis 2:18: “And the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him.’” (Genesis Ch 2:18)
- Although, reference 1 Corinthians 7
- Voddie: Preparing sons to be husbands and daughters to be wives
- Better to marry than to burn with passion. Lust will follow the latter and that’s no good
- Sexual sin corrupted all emperors thus empires fell. Same goes with all those who fell
- Ephesians 5:21-33
- Hour 1:00:00 until the end. GOLD