Dumping Debt - Freedom from Debt - Sermon by Dave Ramsey
"If you want to win, find winners and emulate or mimic what they are doing."(Dave)
Jesus said it's tough to serve two masters.
Make sure yours isn't Him and then debt.
"If you tell a lie or spread a myth often enough.... the myth becomes accepted as truth." (Dave)
Build your credit. All hail FICO.
"When you quit borrowing money, your credit score will erude." (Dave)
God is your Provider. Not anything else.
Psalm 23:1 - "The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need."
A borrower is a slave to the lender. - Proverbs 22:7
Get a car.
Get a house.
Creative financing = too broke to buy a house. Haha.
52% of marriages end in divorce today. #1 cause is money fights and money fights. Of those who divorced in the first 7 years, 90% say money caused it.
The benefit to being broke = you don't care what people think about you anymore. (Dave)
If you read Proverbs over and over and over again, you get a master's in finance.
LOVE THAT Dave. Well said.
"If you've signed surety, my son, do this. Give no sleep to your eyelids, no slumber to your eyes, anddeliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, a bird from the hand of the fowler." - Proverbs 6:1-7
Fun fact: a cheetah catches a gazelle 1 in 9 times, yet a cheetah can outrun a gazelle by plentyyyy.
Proverbs 6:1-7
"You can wonder into debt honey, but you can't wonder out." (Dave)
You must SAVE MONEY.
Quit BORROWING more money.
I.E. pay cash down on a car after saving for 10-12 months.
PRAYER really works.
"God owns everything. So, if you're dad is rich and you're in debt, phone home ET." (Dave)
SELL something.
The diligent prosper.
Don't work, don't eat.
Income up, debt down. Giving and saving in between.
"Intensity for a short-period of time blows things up." (Dave)
This is about behavior modification. You v. You.
Have a plan. Have a system. Have a map and use the damn thing like your life depends on it.... because it does!
When you can see the end, you run a little bit faster.
"Normal is broke. The Bible says be a proculiar people." (Dave)