Rethinking Church - Francis Chan:
Francis Chan shares at the Rethinking Church | Rethinking Mission conference at McLean Bible Church on Oct. 12, 2018. In one of his most powerful sermons on the church, Francis talks about the nonnegotiable aspects of the church according to Scripture and what it means for the modern church.
- Don't always think of Church as: are you enjoying this?
- Rather, is God enjoying this?
- What impresses God? Are we gathering for His presence, not just our selfish wants?
- Are you loving God more than anything? Are you fulfilling what God wants in your church?
- Matthew 10:37
- Are you a devoted worshiper of God?
- John 15:9, 13:34
- Abide in me.
- Obey my commands.
- Love one another just as I've loved you.
- Would you suffer in sacrificing for the betterment of others, of your neighbor.
- Just as Jesus and you are one. Be one with others in commune, as well.
- When humans become perfectly one, then the world will believe that God sent Jesus to Earth.
- This is how all will know of Jesus' disciples: by how the disciples love others
- Ephesians 4: Equip the saints for the work of ministry. Building up the body of Christ. Knowledge of the Son of God for maturity.
- Not to perform for you...
- Rather, to equip you for the necessary work, without the performane, program, or professional, to make disciples of Jesus in the world
- 1 Corinthians 12
- To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good
- Do you want these spirtual gifts for your own sake or for the good of the Chuch itself?
- To be sending others out, not just keeping them in the Church! Making fisherman of God for the world.
- Embrace suffering for the Glory of Christ
- The underground Church in China is the best example of that
- How will you ever stop someone who is willing to embrace suffering for the Glory of Christ?
- Francis Chan ending in prayer: What do you want me to do about this Lord? Direct me to make it right.
- The giver of the gift (God), not just the gift itself (God's grace and miracles for us)