"I'll preach as a dying man to dying men, and women. As though I am never going to preach again." (Paul Washer Opening)
Amazing opening. Wow. All 3 minutes.
- False teachers will undergo greater condemnation, "so I am in some risk today."
Teaching from Matthew Ch. 7, Verse 13 onward
- "The greatest heressy in the American Evangelical and Protestan Church is that if you pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, he will definitely come in " (Paul Washer)
- "Salvation is by faith, and faith alonein Jesus Christ. It is proceeded by repentance. A desire to grow in holiness, but to grow in love and be like Jesus Christ." (Paul Washer)
Goosebumps at this moment (12:05)
Compare yourself against Scripture and nothing else.
The Bible says examine yourself and test yourself if you are in light of the faith
- God is a Holy God. Many of the things you love in this world, God hates.