- The same way a citizen trusts a bank to hold and manage one’s money, is the same way God trust us to manage our time, resources, effort.
- It’s God’s! It’s all His! Your children, house, money, materials, resources, time, life. All of it!
- We don’t own it. The Lord owns it.
- “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” (Psalms 23:4)
- Budgeting. It changes the way you give because it’s not yours to give.
- Give 10% of your income to the church. Yet, as Dave Ramsey says, “the church doesn’t actually need your money.”
God needs your money.
- Ultimately, to be Christlike. You must be a Giver.
- God gave His one. And only. Son.
- Think about that 10x over.
- Giving is a reminder of ownership - God is the owner, we are the manager. Tithing does that to you as a sheep of God.
- Giving is praise and worship.
- When you’re less selfish, you’re a better giver. A better family man. A better employer. A better employee. A better everything. A better disciple of God.
- You prosper when you give.
- All of this reminds me of the Fidel and Summit situation at TruckBux. They were selfish. They weren’t givers. Maybe that will change one day. Maybe not. For now, it’s known where their character lies.
- “God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 2:9)
- Cheerful in Greek = heleos.
- Heleos = hilarious in the English language.
- Giving is spiritual warfare.
- “[if you tithe] I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground.” (Malachi 3:11)
Amazing, amazing video. Thank you Dave Ramsey.